Friday 14 January 2011

Three Cheers for Facebook!

Well, I guess it had to happen sooner or later with all the meddling and fiddling they do seemingly just to "stay busy", or as I like to think, just to annoy me but, Facebook has seemingly crashed.

I had trouble accessing it first thing yesterday morning and now today I have been completely unable to access the site.

I have read somewhere that it is because someone spilled coffee on the servers, though this is doubtful unless it was done on intentionally, and knowingly where it would cause the most disruption possible. As I said, I doubt it.

For a long time now I have said that people who "claim" to be "addicted to facebook" are sad sad losers and need help, but not for their "addiction". But, having spent a whole day off work (I have a new job by the way ....finally!!) when I am used to sitting at a computer with access to facebook, even if it is just to chat to a couple of friends to pass some time, I am actually at a loss as to what the hell I am doing.

It isn't all bad though, without this disruption to my usual internet habits, I would probably not be posting on my blog as I am now, and that was one of my new years resolutions too, blog regularly!

Thanks for helping me be semi-productive facebook, see you when you're back online!

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