Wednesday 17 March 2010

13th Child

OK so, I'm about to sit down and watch this dvd called the 13th Child, about "The legend of the New Jersey devil". The cover looks ok, yet I am immediately drawn to where it says "In the tradition of 'Signs' & 'The Mothman Prophecies'". Now I'm no film critic but, those two films are awfully different to eachother. Then I'm drawn to the top of the box where it has a group of non-names emblazened along above the title. All I can think is.... "this does NOT make you a big star!!" Then things got worse, the film started. It was poorly filmed and poorly acted from the off. I actually thought it was about to break into a porn film at one point. This is the sort of film shown on "Zone Horror" or "True Movies" at 4am. I have switched it off after around 20 minutes of torture. Possibly the worst £1 anyone has ever spent on me.

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